lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

Blog 2: The best vacation ever

My best vacation was in February 2019, when i went to backpack with my niece, Natacha, and her girlfriend, Constanza.

It was totally an adventure, we didn't have that much money and in the course of the trip we adopted a little cat that we called "Ron". We were traveling for a month throughout southern Chile, the first place we went is the English park in the 7 cups, we also visited Temuco, Valdivia, Pucon, Villarrica, Puerto Montt, Chiloé, and other smaller and unknown places, like islands that were far from everything, without any contamination of any kind, just nature and the three of us.

El Salto El Donguil De Gorbea - Lo que se debe saber antes de ... We did an infinite number of things because we spent a lot of time traveling and living, but i remember when we slept at the shore of a waterfall in a town called Gorbea, which is near Temuco. It was Constanza's birthday and we made "completos" to celebrate, and then we played cards while drinking beer inside the carp. The next day we decided to jump into the waterfall, we spent a lot of time of the day trying, but being there we were scared lol But we did it! and it was wooooooooooow

Everyone should have that experience!

Of all the vacations i've ever had, this was the best because it was always my dream to travel that way, with that freedom.It was a very rewarding experience and it made me grow a lot, every day was a learning one, because every day we had to make decisions about where to go, how to go, we didn't know where we would sleep at night, or how we would get to where we wanted to go, we just had the desire to travel. We confront to face good, bad, complex situations, but all that helped us grow and heal like individuals person and in our relation ship with my two partners travel.

1 comentario:

Blog 8: English Language Challenges

Hi everyone in this last blog uwu Well, I think that my experience learning english at university are been pretty good. This it's m...