lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Pets

Hi to everyone, today i'm going to talk about my pets.

I has one dog and two cats.

The first in arrive to home was Samanta, one of my cats. 

My family and i, adopted to Samy because she was in a house with so much animals and she was just a month, she can't eat, drink milk, play, so forth. The other animals was more big and they don´t let she do all this things. When she arrived to my home, she was malnourished and dirty, they had never cleaned it or anything like that. 

Five years later, arrived Luna, my other cat.

She was amazing, always climbing the armchairs, the walls, climbed on the furniture, she put on places and then could not leave lol. 

Seven months later, my mom and me adopted to my dog, Katana, we adpot her at the fair. She is the most beautiful dog in the world! sleep with me every day and she always want play with her toys and be to your side. 

The thing that i most love of my pets are their eyes, their look. The way how they look at me and connect with me, and express to me what they want, or if they feel bad, with hungry, etc. 

4 comentarios:

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