lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone!
Today I would like to tell you about something i would like to study in the future.

Once i finish my studies in Psychology, i would like to do some course about vegan gastronomy, i have always liked to cook and eat a lot lol and when i became a vegan there were many foods, cakes, sweets that i stopped eating because they were made with some ingredient of animal origin, That's why i like the idea of doing a course and so, to be able to know products, techniques and more things about something so important and interesting for me as food is and also i love to be able to learn how to make foods that i like without the need to harm another living being, only with ingredients of vegetable origin. 

In addition i would like to study about Chinese medicine or other types of alternative therapies, i have always felt very intrigued by knowing a medicine that is closer to nature and human beings, so that we do not have to consume so many pills and have the knowledge of how to heal certain pains only with herbs or other types of plants or natural remedies.

If I had the opportunity to study again, i would like to do it abroad, in order to have bigger notions as far as the content, a bigger variety than what exists in Chile at the moment to be educated, perhaps in some institute or short but presential courses, because the idea of learning by Internet i do not like so much, i mean that to do the things by means of a computer or a telephone turns everything more impersonal and uncomfortable for me.

2 comentarios:

Blog 8: English Language Challenges

Hi everyone in this last blog uwu Well, I think that my experience learning english at university are been pretty good. This it's m...