lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Pets

Hi to everyone, today i'm going to talk about my pets.

I has one dog and two cats.

The first in arrive to home was Samanta, one of my cats. 

My family and i, adopted to Samy because she was in a house with so much animals and she was just a month, she can't eat, drink milk, play, so forth. The other animals was more big and they don´t let she do all this things. When she arrived to my home, she was malnourished and dirty, they had never cleaned it or anything like that. 

Five years later, arrived Luna, my other cat.

She was amazing, always climbing the armchairs, the walls, climbed on the furniture, she put on places and then could not leave lol. 

Seven months later, my mom and me adopted to my dog, Katana, we adpot her at the fair. She is the most beautiful dog in the world! sleep with me every day and she always want play with her toys and be to your side. 

The thing that i most love of my pets are their eyes, their look. The way how they look at me and connect with me, and express to me what they want, or if they feel bad, with hungry, etc. 

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Blog 3: Favorite serie or movie

Hi, today i'm going to write about my favorite serie: The walking dead.

The walking dead started on october in 2010. Being honest, when i saw the publicity on tv, i always think that the serie was boring. For years my parents and my brother saw it, but i never interesting to me. I thought it was a silly serie, because the plot was not new at all!

One day, was all my family in home, and we wanted watch something together and they, my parents and brother asked to us if we can see the walking dead, because theyd was delayed in some chapters. My sister and me didn’t want, but we aceppt just if we watched since the beggin. So, we did!
The hours happened, and the chapters too lol and we pass all the weekend watching the walking dead, it was like an adiction.

Since that day, i love the serie, i love the characters, everything. I really like the plot of this series because, it's not just about zombies, the characters change over time and evolve. The Walking Dead has ten seasons and now i'm waiting for more!

How i like the serie so much one time for halloween i disguise myself as Rosita, a character really strong and important of TWD. I put on green-brown pants, a brown t-shirt and a jacket identical to hers, which belonged to my sister, I also put on a weapon carrier with my brother's BB gun. lol

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

Blog 2: The best vacation ever

My best vacation was in February 2019, when i went to backpack with my niece, Natacha, and her girlfriend, Constanza.

It was totally an adventure, we didn't have that much money and in the course of the trip we adopted a little cat that we called "Ron". We were traveling for a month throughout southern Chile, the first place we went is the English park in the 7 cups, we also visited Temuco, Valdivia, Pucon, Villarrica, Puerto Montt, Chiloé, and other smaller and unknown places, like islands that were far from everything, without any contamination of any kind, just nature and the three of us.

El Salto El Donguil De Gorbea - Lo que se debe saber antes de ... We did an infinite number of things because we spent a lot of time traveling and living, but i remember when we slept at the shore of a waterfall in a town called Gorbea, which is near Temuco. It was Constanza's birthday and we made "completos" to celebrate, and then we played cards while drinking beer inside the carp. The next day we decided to jump into the waterfall, we spent a lot of time of the day trying, but being there we were scared lol But we did it! and it was wooooooooooow

Everyone should have that experience!

Of all the vacations i've ever had, this was the best because it was always my dream to travel that way, with that freedom.It was a very rewarding experience and it made me grow a lot, every day was a learning one, because every day we had to make decisions about where to go, how to go, we didn't know where we would sleep at night, or how we would get to where we wanted to go, we just had the desire to travel. We confront to face good, bad, complex situations, but all that helped us grow and heal like individuals person and in our relation ship with my two partners travel.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Blog 1: A country I would like to visit

I always loved the idea of ​​travel, i would really like travel all the world, but if i think on a specific place, i choose Mexico. I don't know so much about mexico, its history or culture, but i was always felt so attracted to this country. One of my dreams is to get to know the aztec pyramids and go to Frida Kahlo´s blue house, a museum in where it´s all her work and where she lived when she was a child. She was always being a big exponent for me and i admire her a lot, she it´s one of the reason for i will like it going to Mexico in some moment.

I am also very struck by what they do for the day of the dead, they prepare meals and decorations, they make a celebration because it is the day that their dead visit them and they can be together, I´ve never liked how it is celebrated here in Chile the day of the dead for that I would like someday to be in Mexico by that date.

Regarding studying, who knows, I really don't think I will go back to study at a university again. But the truth is that I would like to stay for a while there, so I suppose that's what I have to work for there lol

Blog 8: English Language Challenges

Hi everyone in this last blog uwu Well, I think that my experience learning english at university are been pretty good. This it's m...